Free Videos

Discover over 8+ hours of free acrylic painting videos, with over 24 million Youtube views and 280,000+ subscribers, you can join other aspiring artists who are unlocking their hidden painting skills by learning the secrets of the Old Masters.

There are also extra step-by-step acrylic lessons and oil painting lessons.

Let’s feel the fear…and paint it anyway!

Still Life Painting Tutorials

Still life painting can be a great subject matter to learn about many of the fundamental qualities of paint, from balancing colours, building up a painting in layers, to using a coloured ground and applying glazes.


Landscape Painting Tutorials

Have you ever wondered how you paint snow? Or balance vivid greens in a scene?

These videos look at working with a very muted and vivid colour palette to capture the changing moods of the seasons.

Step-by-step painting tutorials

Here are some step-by-step written tutorials you might also like

Townscape Painting Tutorials

Urban scenes can be a brilliant subject to practice your drawing and compositional skills, these videos focus on looking for negative spaces and abstract patterns within your compositions.

Colour Mixing Tutorials

Many things in nature are actually very muted.
These videos observe the difference between light and dark and warm and cool colours, rather than the use of a bright colour.

Art Materials & Setup Tutorials

Before we get started, it’s handy to have a general overview of the materials that’ll we’ll be using and why I’ve chosen them. I find when you’re first starting, it’s best to begin with a few materials and keep it really simple.

These videos cover not only how to handle a brush, but also discover which colours suit your style of painting.