Beginners Acrylic Still Life Course – Part 1

acrylic step by step

A step-by-step Still Life Acrylic Painting

In this series, I will be posting a weekly video on my YouTube channel that you can follow along at home. It’s free to subscribe to the channel so you can keep updated with the painting progress…

The image below can be ‘right clicked’ and ‘Save image as’, so you can use it as a guide.


Materials you will need:

  • 24 cm x 18 cm pre-primed canvas.
  • Size 6 Isabey Isacryl Acrylic brush – filbert
  • Size 5 Kolinsky Sable from Rosemary & Co – round – (any small round will be fine)


  • Artist quality Titanium White. – Invest in this white even if you use student quality paint for the rest of the colours.
  • Burnt Umber
  • Raw Umber
  • Cadmium Red Light
  • Cadmium Red Medium
  • Cadmium Yellow Light
  • Permanent Alizarin Crimson – Winsor & Newton Artist Acrylic
  • Green Gold
  • Phthalo Blue (Red Shade)
  • 3B pencil
  • Kitchen roll
  • A jam jar for cleaning brush.
  • Small dipper for diluting paint

3 simple steps to begin:

Step 1. Apply a coloured ground.

For this painting, I wanted to have a subtle play between the two complementary colours, red and green.

Because red is the main colour of the cherry I wanted to put it on a cooler base, so using Raw umber and white achieves this effect.

To see how I apply an acrylic ground See: How to apply a coloured ground

Step 2. Draw out the image.

raw umber underpainting

Using a 3B pencil sketch out the image to work from. Don’t worry if it isn’t completely accurate it is just a guide to get you started.

Step 3. Establish the darkest darks.

beginners drawing out

Using Burnt Umber & Titanium White establish the darkest area of the picture. You can squint your eyes at the image to help to distinguish each area rather than getting hung up on the details. See: The importance of contrast in painting

acrylic still life underpainting

Acrylic still life painting-  Free video Course |Part 1

This video below shows the first steps I take to start the step-by-step acrylic still life painting.

For Part 2 click here.

You might also like:
1. Beginners Cherry Still Life Course – Part 2 (video)
2. Beginners Cherry Still Life Course – Part 3 & 4 (video)

This Post Has 160 Comments

  1. Sara

    Great lesson. I’m looking forward to the next one. Thanks so much for this excellent demonstration.

    1. Will Kemp

      Thanks Sara, Glad you enjoyed it,

  2. Alison Stafford

    Fantastic! All this technology is good news for us lone painters! thanks :)

  3. Michelle

    Thanks Will, that does help for choosing a ground color.

  4. Tammy

    Thank you so much for the lesson. It was very helpful. I subscribed, and cant wait for the next one!!!

    1. Will Kemp

      Hey Tammy,
      My pleasure.
      Great to hear you’re following along.

  5. Jennifer

    Hello Will, first off thanks for sharing all this info on your fantastic website. I haven’t the first clue about painting, but want to have a go and am finding your website very helpful. This is probably a very stupid question, but I wonder if you can point me in the direction of a brand where I can get all the colours for this cherry painting (cheaper student paint I mean)? I’ve been browsing the art discount website for supplies and I just can’t find all the colours! Thank you in advance.

    1. Will Kemp

      Hi Jennifer,
      There is never a stupid question in painting!
      I’ve found Winsor and Newton Galeria Range do a good range of Student quality paints and have all the colours you need.
      In the Galeria range Phthalo Blue -green shade is called Winsor Blue but apart from that everything else is the same.

      Thanks for your kind words and good luck with the Cherry still life,

      1. Jennifer

        Thanks very much for the tip Will, I’ll go with that brand then. Sorry to be a pain, just one more question before I buy (I don’t want to end up with lots of wrong reds!), is the galeria cadmium red hue the same as cadmium red light? So confusing! Many thanks!

        1. Will Kemp

          Hi Jennifer,
          They do have a cadmium red light in the galleria range but the cadmium red hue might be more useful for future paintings.

          The cadmium red is by no means essential and you would be able to match the colours with the permanent alizarin crimson and cadmium yellow light.

          What might be worth considering, as I’m a great believer in fewer artist quality paints and stronger tinting/opacity, is to buy a limited palette of artist quality from Winsor & Newton. You can read my post here on the pro’s and con’s of artist quality vs student grade paint.
          Hope this helps and doesn’t add more confusion to the buying process!

  6. Amira Salim

    Hello, Hi, Will
    It is really helpful for me..thanx a I have to submit a portfolio and I didn’t know the basic of paintings, so for me it is really very helpful..thanx again,hope every one gets a teacher like u..:o)
    And I’d be really very grateful to you, if u can do a video on portfolio as I am opting for visual design “what oil paintings i can include in it”,”how to get started with it”,etc etc,
    looking forward for ur reply.
    thanxx again,:o)

    1. Will Kemp

      Hi Amira, pleased to hear that the blog is helping in your portfolio preparations. I’ll have a think about how a video could work on portfolio design,
      Thanks again,

      1. Catherine Peters

        Love your videos getting me started again thanks.

        1. Will Kemp

          That’s fab to hear Catherine, so pleased you’re feeling inspired!

  7. claire

    Hi will,

    Going to try this painting. I know that you use golden paints. My local supplier’s best acrylics are liquitex. What do you think of that brand? are they as good? I am trying to build up a small amount of good paints and wondered what you thought.

    1. Will Kemp

      Hi Claire,

      Thanks for the comment, Liquidex a really lovely brand. Great coverage and body and a good colour range. Good choice to build up a small amount of artist quality paints, it will make your paintings so much easier.

  8. Dave C.

    Hi Will,

    I watched this video series on Youtube and left a comment that I was going to give it a try over the weekend. Well, I did and here is the result. Of course, mine is in oil, but the concepts are pretty much the same. Great video. I enjoyed it.

    1. Will Kemp

      Hey Dave,

      Yes I do remember your comment, thanks to the link to your work I think you’ve done a fab job.

      Also like the ‘bling’ for paintings on the frame, great idea to show the difference a frame makes, on screen.

      Looking forward to seeing your other cherry paintings,

      Thanks again,


  9. Rhonda

    I really enjoy your website, blog and videos. Thanks for doing all of this. I just finished painting the cherry still life, with acrylics, and i really enjoyed it. It turned out ok i think. Not too bad for a first attempt anyway. Your videos were really helpful.

    1. Will Kemp

      Hi Rhonda,
      Thanks for dropping by! Great to hear you enjoyed the cherry painting. Thanks for letting me know the videos helped.


  10. Lee

    So far so good. Thanks Will, your one hell of a teacher. I believe I’ll learn a great deal from your classes! Thanks again.

    1. Will Kemp

      Good one Lee, kind of you to say so, great to hear you’re learning from the classes!


  11. Connie

    Did this exercise tonight and thoroughly enjoyed myself.


    I feel this one came a bit more easily than the Seascape landscape and overall I’m happier with myself with this one. I need to learn how to blend acrylics better. I’m findings when I try to blend, the paint is half dry and it chunks up on me. I’ll keep working at it, haven’t found the right combination yet. Not sure if it’s too little paint, not enough glazing liquid, need a retarder, or what.

    At any rate, I’m pleased with this attempt and look forward to more.

    Much appreciations for the site and the information.


    1. Will Kemp

      Hi Connie,

      Good work! The cherry looks ace, great modelling of the form and with the thicker use of paint it has come on loads. It can be a fine line with the consistency of the paint to get just the right mix, but I think you should be really pleased with this painting.


  12. Connie

    I appreciate the kind words. Thanks again.


  13. Inga brooksby

    Hi Will,

    This step by step has really helped me a lot in thinking more about colour issues I had in the past. I was wondering if when using acrylics I can do this still life over the course of a few days? I’m just not sure how well the colours will blend once dry.


    1. Will Kemp

      Hi Inga, pleased to hear this lesson has helped you with your colour understanding.

      You can do the course over a few days but the acrylic will dry within a matter of minutes so won’t be able to be blended the next day. You can still work on it over a few days, just use the different parts of the course as a ‘breaking point’. Fresh eyes the next day are alwyas helpful in all your paintings.


  14. jenny

    Hi Will, I just started with working on the cherry still life lessons. I’m new with working with acrylics; I’ve some experience with oils. What has really got me perplexed is how thin the paint seems to be. I bought Golden Open Acrylics (in tubes) … nice – but the paint seems so thin… what’s with that?

    1. Will Kemp

      Hi Jenny,

      It’s because the ‘Open’ acrylics have a thinner, more tranlucent quality to standard heavy body acrylics. It can be quite frustrating if you’re trying to apply the first layers of paint. They will be perfect for the later glazing layers as you will have more working time to blend than standard acrylics. Here is an article on the pros and cons of Golden Open acrylics.

      If you use a standard heavy body artist titanium white it will help to add opacity.


  15. Gihan Salem

    Thank you will your work is very usefull and amazinggggggggggggggggggg

  16. Peter

    You’re the finest art teacher I have ever had.
    You present the material in a charming and organized manner.
    My paintings have improved tremendously.

    Thank you very much.

    sincerely, Peter

    1. Will Kemp

      Hi Peter,

      You’re more than welcome. Thanks for dropping by for your kind comments, it’s really great to hear your painting has improved and you’re enjoying the tutorials.

      Thanks again,


  17. Dawn

    Thank you for your videos! I have just recently decided to take AP/IB in my high school class, but unfornately that only gives me about four short months to learn everything I can through teaching myself. Your video walk-throughs and articles are so simple and easy to understand! It’s amazing! It’s really been helping me out as the over-exicted, over-whealmed, naive artist by how you just put things so simple. Also, your website is is on the Deaf/Hard of Hearing friendly side by how you have instructions in writing as well as in the videos. That way if I can’t quite catch something in the video, I can look at the text. It’s great! I thank you a thousand times! You are the best!

    1. Will Kemp

      Hi Dawn,

      Thanks for your lovely comments, so pleased you’ve been finding the tutorials helpful in overcoming painting overwhelm!
      And that you’re finding the text explanation helps to give a full picture of the painting process.

      Thanks again,

  18. najwa

    Hi, im only 11, but I draw really good, and I have always been a horrible painter! Your videos helped me improve in my painting a lot especially in mixing colors, just saying thanks you!

    1. Will Kemp

      Good one Najwa, pleased the videos have been helping your painting.


  19. Rosalie

    Thanks so much for such great tuition Will- I am a beginner and was over the moon with my result. Can’t wait to try more of your step by step. :)

    1. Will Kemp

      You’re welcome Rosalie, so pleased to hear your painting surpassed your expectations! Enjoy the other tutorials.


  20. priya

    Hi ,

    I have just started painting and your videos are helpful indeed.I wanna paint cherry however i have a very basic question regarding the background.
    The background color is made from raw umber and white.However the acrylic which I am using is very basic and it do not have raw umber.However I have burnt sienna instead which i find almost similar.Do you think burnt sienna will spoil the look of the painting.
    Thanks for the help in advance!

    1. Will Kemp

      Hi Priya,

      The Burnt Sienna will be a bit too warm, so just mix in a touch of ultramarine blue, then mix with white and you’ll be away.


  21. Barbara

    Hi Will,
    I am really loving your free tuition and want to buy a course but am not sure which.I have worked with charcoal for the past few years and find it very freeing as I can get the correct tones very easily but I want to get into painting.I have invested in some Golden Open and interactive paints so do you think the normal acrylic tuition will be right for me?
    Thanks again.

    1. Will Kemp

      Hi Barbara, really pleased you’ve been finding the website helpful. The best thing to do would be to try the Cherry painting tutorial, and see
      if the style of painting suits you. Working with acrylics can seem harder in some respects compared with the ability to come back and smudge/blend/erase that you get with charcoal. Try the Cherry painting with the OPEN acrylics and see if it gives you enough time. If not, you might be more suited to the extra working time with oil paint.

      Hope this helps,

      (You might find this article helpful)

      1. Barbara

        Hi Will,
        Thank you very much for replying to my message.I have followed the tutorial for the cherry and really enjoyed working with the acrylics.Allthough I have an assortment of open and interactive plus some student quality acrylics so I am mixing them all to gether,perhaps I should buy enough colours in the Open so as not to have to do this?
        I am going to go for the colour mixing course as I find that when dealing with colour my brain keeps having to shift into left mode and I am out of the zone.
        Do you think it is a good idea for me to have some non open colours for blocking in and if so are student quality OK for the under painting?

        Thanks Will. Barbara.

        1. Will Kemp

          Hi Barbara,

          Really pleased you enjoyed the Cherry tutorial. I think having some other standard acrylics for blocking in the under painting and the coloured ground is a great idea, student quality colours will be fine, but I would still use an Artist quality Titanium white.

          Enjoy the colour mixing course,


          1. Barbara

            Hi Will,I now have the colour mixing course and am loving it.You are such a good tutor.
            Thanks again Barbara.

          2. Will Kemp

            Thanks Barbara, really kind of you to say so, pleased you’ve been enjoying the course.


  22. Avion

    I’m learning so much from you.

    1. Will Kemp

      Good one Avion, pleased you finding the site helpful.



  23. Bluey

    Hi Will,
    Let me introduce myself.
    My name is Rob & I have found myself to on the sidelines of life recently with an injury & I’ve needed to find something to occupy the mind & help to save myself from a self inflicted injury. I have had no inclination to be an artist on any level through my life but here I find myself over the last few months not able to put a pencil or paintbrush down. Where I could never draw a straight line I am now able to recognise what one is (Haha..). I came across your YT vids a few weeks ago & have watched most of them a couple of times over & find you to be very talented & informative bloke. I am going to have a crac at your plum project & hopefully I’ll have some success so far I have managed to rip up & throw away more paper & canvas boards than you can shake a stick at so be prepared for a lot of inane questions.
    Look toward to chattin in the future

    Peace… Bluey.

    1. Will Kemp

      Hi Bluey, great to hear you’re feeling inspired to paint again, enjoy working through the tutorials.


  24. Chuck

    Hello Will:

    I’m taking time to tell you that I appreciate your website. With one of my daughters leaving the “nest” I suddenly found myself with a “studio” waiting to be used. I pulled out my old Liquitex Acrylic paints, started reading on the web and stumbled on your website, which is superior to any I’ve stumbled on to date. Thank you for taking the time to share your insight and experiences.

    I selected your cherry tutorial as my first attempt to shake the cobwebs from my head and get the creative juices flowing once again. Your tip about using brighter color instead of tinting for lighter areas was invaluable.

    If the link below works it’s supposed to take you to Photobucket where I’ve posted an image of my efforts. It’s far from being a Will Kemp but it is a start.

    I’ll be back after I replenish my supplies that have been stored way too long.

    Thank you,


    1. Will Kemp

      Hi Chuck,

      Great to hear from you, so pleased you’ve been enjoying the website and your cherry looks absolutely ace!

      Really lovely handling of the form and the highlight has been judged perfectly. The only tweak I would make would be to slightly soften the edges of the cast shadow so the viewers focus is more on the actual object.

      Looking forward to hearing about your next paintings.

      Have a great New Year,



  25. Marilyn Ferguson

    I loved your presentation so much that I watched it twice. I look forward to what you have next. Thank you.

    1. Will Kemp

      Pleased it helped Marilyn,

  26. Marilyn Ferguson

    Do these colors translate to oils?

    1. Will Kemp

      Yes, the colours will translate with oils.

  27. Stephanie Knepp


    I want you to know that I have never painted before! Not a day in my life (serious painting that is). I went to an art gallery just two days ago and it was also my first time. I fell in love! I came home and started looking for videos for beginners, and I found this. I LOVED it. I painted for my first time and I am thinking about taking classes now. I am not sure if I will do good enough but I am in love. Thank you so much for this video, I will keep this cherry painting forever :)



    1. Will Kemp

      Hi Stephanie,

      So pleased you’ve been inspired to create the cherry painting, it’s looking fab! Good drawing and perfect cast shadow. You could go a bit brighter and stronger on the reds in the light but as your first ever painting its fantastic.

      Thanks again for sharing.



  28. Lorydel

    Thanks for your free tutorial. I got hard time applying colors….I’m learning tru internet and I just want to learn still painting. I can draw charcoal I can sketch but putting colors is very for me.

    1. Will Kemp

      Pleased it helped Lorydel,

  29. LIz Wilson

    Hi Will, Like everyone else, I find your style so easy to follow. I love the way you paint. I am completing an online art course via another institution yet your style of painting would have to be the best I have learned to date. I would love to email you a photo of the cherry I finished for you to view. Am I able to do this?


    1. Will Kemp

      Hi Liz, thanks very much, so pleased you’ve been enjoying the teaching approach, I would love to see your cherry painting.



  30. Jola

    Thank You for your lesson. You are so nice guy and your lessons are very usefull! Please, don’t stop teaching us ;-)

    1. Will Kemp

      Pleased you’re enjoying them Jola,

  31. Irene

    What a pleasure to find your website. I have been dabbling in painting for the past year or two, after no visual arts for 40 years, but have been painting mostly abstracts and in a more intuitive style. I have taken 1 – 2 basic workshops but your Youtube videos are clearer than the teachers with whom I have studied in person. I’ve only done a couple of still life paintings ever, but here’s my flattened-out-at-the-top cherry. Thanks so much!

    1. Will Kemp

      Hi Irene, lovely to hear from you and so pleased you’ve been finding the videos clear and easy to follow – your cherry is looking great! Nice handling of the colours and the turning of the form, the cast shadow a could be slightly softened on the edge so it feels like it smokes into the background that little bit more. So pleased you’ve been enjoying the lessons, thanks for sharing.


  32. Rosie

    Your videos have been such a great help and I think my painting skills have greatly improved! I purchased some new Daley Rowney paints however they do not have the same names and variety you have been using, which set or brand would you recommend I purchase to get all the right colours I need? Also, which brush make would you recommend as the bristles tend to fall out of my set!

  33. David Ramsey

    Hey Will, I’m apparently late to the party on this tutorial, but I’ve been craving to learn how to paint and I’ll say this was the push I needed. I watched these 4 videos all the way through before starting, then just went for it without watching again as I went.

    It’s not perfect, but I feel it’s great for my first painting. Thanks for the videos!

    1. Will Kemp

      Hi Dave, great work on the cherry painting! really fab subtle colour mixes and turning the form and the subtlety in the green hues in the cast shadows has been really nicely judged. For your first painting it’s a really great achievement, hope you’re proud of your work! Thanks for sharing Dave.


  34. Bobbi Schreiner

    Re: Impressionistic Seascape in Acrylics

    I definitely jumped ahead of myself…I did an awful job – although I did learn some things and that’s a plus! So, I’ve gone back to your youtube quickie tutorials to learn (and retain!) more basics. I will soon be ordering a less advanced course from you….thank you for your excellent instruction!

    Scarecro is not me – that’s my husband he has the PP acc’t.


    Grateful Bobbi Schreiner

    PS. In order to eliminate the excessive use of paper (from trees!) towels, I use old bath towels, cut to sizes (some larger, some smaller) to wipe my brushes before I immerse them for a quick bath. I allow the towels to dry and when a number of them have been collected, I wash them in the machine. They are perfectly reusable.

    1. Will Kemp

      Hi Bobbi, pleased to hear you’ve been enjoying the lessons and teaching style, thanks for sharing your paper towel technique!

  35. Lyn

    Hi, Will,

    Thanks so much for the videos. I think they are brilliant, clear and easy to follow and a real inspiration. I just tried the ‘Apple’ via YouTube and am so chuffed I’m itching to try the ‘Cherry’ too.

    Can you suggest an alternative to the Green Gold on the list of materials as I am building my colours very slowly and frugally?

    1. Will Kemp

      Hi Lyn, great to hear you enjoyed the apple tutorial. For the cherry painting an alternative to green gold is using a cool, transparent yellow, such as Hansa Yellow or lemon yellow.

      Hope this helps,

      1. Lyn

        Thanks for the advice, Will. I am going to get completely hooked by acrylics. Your teaching style makes it all so simple – and I’m a teacher in my day-job so I don’t say that lightly. Off to the nearest art shop ASAP…

  36. Chetan Pawgi

    Great tutorial on still life !! Here’s what I was able to create .. Moving on to the landscape painting now

    1. Will Kemp

      Hi Chetan, wow!, what a fantastic result you’ve achieved on the cherry painting, I’ve included it on the student success page. You’ve managed to model the form of the cherry so well, it really has a lovely 3-D feel to it. The colours are great on the cherry with the little hit of the brighter pink on the underside just adding to that realism. Cast shadow is good, and you’ve kept that transition from cast shadow to the cherry nice and smokey, which is great. Really fab job, thanks for sharing and hope you’re proud of your work.


      1. Bobbi Schreiner

        Wow! Chetan’s painting of the cherry was beautiful! I am going to paint that cherry again (3rd time) and hope I get better.

  37. Antonia Hauck

    Hi there!

    I’m excited to use your method and hope you have a second to give feedback? I didn’t have all the brighter reds, so this cherry is a bit deeper or more ripe if you will.



    1. Will Kemp

      Nice work Toni, your colours have worked well even without the brighter red’s. The drawing looks good and the way that you handled the reflected light underneath the cherry is spot on. Also like the texture in the background in comparison to the smooth handling on the surface of the cherry. Really pleased you enjoyed it.

  38. Tobbe

    Morning Teacher,

    Your classes are far out man, really brilliant. You should reward yourself with more ice-cream :)

    I’m a beginner. Here’s the cherry painting – it got some issues:

    I’ll be moving on to jugs and landscapes next.

    Peace out

    1. Will Kemp

      Ha ha, excellent suggestion Tobbe on the ice-cream front! really pleased you’ve been enjoying the classes. Your cherry is looking good, nice drawing and good range of different tones and colours of red throughout the piece. Hope you enjoy the jug demo.

  39. gowtham v

    i am just finding your site just now it seems to be very helpful i think.. i know to work with only pencils hope here after i may larn painting also by following your tips…..thank you.

    1. Will Kemp

      Pleased you’ve been enjoying exploring the site.

  40. Katie Clarke

    Thank you so much for these brilliant tutorials! I haven’t painted since middle school and have never really used acrylics with success. You have really inspired me to make time for art and enjoy my artistic side!

    1. Will Kemp

      Great to hear it Katie, really pleased you’ve finding the tutorials helpful.

      1. gowtham

        thats relly very helpful thank you will…………………

  41. sandy

    thanks a lot for the lesson you are a great teacher i want to ask you if this will work on cardstock ?

    1. Will Kemp

      Hi Sandy, if you don’t add too much water and its quite stiff (like mountboard) it would work.

  42. Heleen

    Hi Will,

    I am terrified to paint! Thank you for posting the tutorials, they have inspired me to get over my fear. I have been dreaming of painting for years, that’s how afraid I am!!! I will get my supplies and start with the cherry. I hope I don’t need to know how to draw!!

    Thank you again,

    1. Will Kemp

      Really hope you enjoy it Heleen,

  43. Debbie Ralph

    You are such a sweetie! I love how open you are to every question that you’re able to respond to. Also, your posted info is absolutely priceless! I find alllll my answers contained on one or more of your pages. Thank you so much for providing this forum!

    1. Will Kemp

      Thanks Debbie, so pleased you’ve been finding the lessons (and comments) helpful in answering your painting questions.

  44. Lena

    I just wanted to thank you for your helpful guidance and for your warm personality that comes across in your tutorials! You’re a wonderful teacher, thank you!

    1. Will Kemp

      Thanks very much Lena, kind of you to say so, hope you’re enjoying the lessons.

  45. Cosetta Coceanis

    Hi Will, thank you for you beautiful lessons.
    I enjoy them.
    Do you have something about watercolors?
    Can you give me the link?
    Thank you

    1. Will Kemp

      Hi Cosetta, pleased you’ve been enjoying the lessons, I don’t currently have any watercolour lessons, mainly acrylics.

  46. Chris Tate

    Hi Will,
    You probably don’t remember me from JL Cheadle but I had a go at the cherries like you advised ! Really enjoyed painting them and I’ll have another go when I purchase the paints you recommended as I just used the main system 3 colours (crimson,cad red etc) so mines not as vibrant as yours but thanks for the great tutorial!
    I’ve also attempted the jug and I’m probably even more pleased with that one!
    Thanks again,

    1. Will Kemp

      Of course Chris! really pleased you enjoyed the tutorial, drop me an email on the contact page, would love to see your paintings.

  47. Dorie Wikum

    Thank you Will, your videos are so helpful. I also enjoy listening to your voice. The cadence and timing is easy to listen to and I find that I am more attentive during the instruction. I am really looking forward to watching all your videos. Thanks again
    Dorie jean

    1. Will Kemp

      Thanks very much Dorie, so pleased you’ve been finding the videos helpful, hope you enjoy the other lessons.


  48. Vanessa

    Thanks for the wonderful acrylic tutorials! Just started painting a couple months. Your videos are very helpful. Will definitely be subscribing for more of your lessons.

    1. Will Kemp

      Pleased to hear it Vanessa, glad you’ve been enjoying the tutorials.

  49. liya

    Hi will,
    quite pleased with your active responses helping buddying artists…
    A ton of thanks for that….
    Would you please refer to some high resolution still life photos in internet to draw and paint from ? or you would advise me to setup on my own

    Thanks in advance
    Best regards

    1. Will Kemp

      Hi Liya, I find its always best to get into the practice of setting up your own compositions, that way you can start to develop your own colour sense and preferences from the objects you choose to paint. As an exercise, try looking around your house for three objects that all have the same colour and see how you can put them together in a composition. It will really help your eyes to become tuned into observing subtle colours.

      Hope this helps,


  50. Jay

    Hi Will,

    I love your tutorials. I am a first time painter. I have only ever drawn portraits with graphite pencil. I am just wondering, I don’t have the cadmium light. The colours I have are cadmium red medium hue, cadmium orange c.p, cadmium yellow medium, quinacradone red, alizarin Crimson hue, alizarin permanent. Would any of my paints be able to make the cadmium red light? Thank you for all your help

    1. Will Kemp

      Hi Jay, pleased you’ve been enjoying the tutorials, cadmium red medium hue with a touch of cadmium orange c.p will give you a great cadmium red substitute. Hope the painting turns out well.

  51. Patricia Lane

    Dear Will:
    When I was a young girl, my art instructor would rip up my drawings in front of the class. Needless to say, I had a hang-up about drawing and just the thought of painting gave me an anxiety attack. One of my dear friends took me to a wine and paint class. It’s kind of a new thing the art comunity started to get old ladies into starting a new hobby. I enjoyed painting, but the wine was awful!
    I’m learning a lot about techniques from watching your free on-line courses. Your lessons have been invaluable to me. I’ll keep watching and learning. Thank you so much for doing this. I truly appreciate the time and effort you’ve put into these classes. You are truly awesome! Respectfullly,
    Patricia (Trish) Lane

    1. Will Kemp

      Hi Trish, oh dear, that sounds a terrible experience with your art instructor but great to hear that you’ve been embracing your creativity through the classes and your art and wine classes. Really pleased you’ve been finding the lessons helpful.

  52. maggie

    that was great. Thank you. Now I’ve started the apple and your lesson in light/shadow I see how I had no awareness of how it worked with the apple. Love how you teach Will.

    1. Will Kemp

      Thanks very much Maggie, really pleased you’ve been enjoying the tutorials.

  53. Noralee

    This was a wonderful exercise, and I’m learning so much about background and the almost endless depth of color. Thank you so much for presenting lessons easy to follow while giving us a wealth of information and tips on painting. Thank you thank you!

    1. Will Kemp

      Really pleased you enjoyed it Noralee.

  54. diamante

    it was cool

  55. Glenda shaw

    Wow. What can I say. Followed the course and am totally stoked with my cherry painting. First acrylic painting since 1993! Thanks for the advice and easy to follow steps. Apples here we come! !

    1. Will Kemp

      Brilliant to hear Glenda, really pleased your cherry turned out well.

  56. Mark Nicodemo

    I am very pleased with Mr. Kemp’s kind and patient instruction. My first attempt at this cherry was impressive (if I say so myself!). I’ve purchased a couple more canvases to practice.

    Thank you Will!

    1. Will Kemp

      My pleasure Mark, really pleased you enjoyed the demo.

  57. mksgeethu

    Thank you very much for your help…
    always i am interested in drawing…
    your videos help me lot to improve my skill…

    1. Will Kemp

      That’s great to hear.

  58. Diana

    Hello Will,
    I have found your videos on YouTube and couldn’t believe how clear and easy to follow your instructions are. I’m a beginner and have had a go painting a pear following the apple’s instructions and it was so enjoyable to do it. I’m now having a go with the cherry.
    Thanks very much for sharing your techniques!

    1. Will Kemp

      Hi Diana, lovely to hear from you and so pleased you’ve been finding the lessons simple tp follow and been achieving some great results. Good luck with the cherry painting!


  59. Brenda

    I just found your website after looking for ideas to teach art to middle school students. Your videos are super easy and so helpful. Thank you so much! Just what I was looking for!

    1. Will Kemp

      Pleased to hear it Brenda, glad you’ve been finding the lessons helpful for your classes.

  60. Judy Green

    Hi Will, absolutely love your lessons, thankyou. I really enjoy painting in oils can I adapt your lessons in acrylics to oils, if so how. I have been trying to teach myself to paint but chose oils because I used to enjoy watching my grandmother, she always looked so serene and in an amazing zone when she painted, and I love the smell & feel of oil.


    i am from India feeling awesome after seen your videos.
    i was searched so many sites and videos but finally i found one best platform.
    Excellent Demonstration and Explanation thank you so much Sir.
    Keep Going oN Sir.

  62. Claude Lemay

    thank you for your free lessons they are so inspiring
    wish i could post my results

    1. Will Kemp

      Glad you enjoyed the lessons Claude, you can attach your image to an email on the contact page.

  63. Tatyana

    Hi Will. I am having troubles figuring out what round brush to select for this project.
    Are you actually recommending a natural hair sable brush for this? I’m reading that this one is a watercolor brush. How well will it handle heavy-body acrylics?

    Also, what is the size of the brush in millimeters? I cannot find the exact brush you are recommending around here, or any specs on it. Without it, I have no idea what else would be a good fit as brush numbering is so arbitrary.


    1. Will Kemp

      Hi Tatyana, yes, the sable brush was the one I had to hand, but any synthetic round brush will be fine, the one I used was 3.4mm x 22.3mm.
      Hope this helps,


  64. Tatyana

    Hi Will,

    I have an Alizarin Crimson Hue on hand, not Permanent Alizarin Crimson.
    Would you strongly recommend I got a permanent version of it? Or would I get decent results with a hue as well?


    1. Will Kemp

      Sure, that would work great for this painting.

  65. Heather

    I can’t describe how much I enjoy your website and lessons. Your teaching method is exactly what any beginner ( and beyond ) needs to feel confident enough to try. Many thanks from here in Canada!

    1. Will Kemp

      Thanks very much Heather, so pleased you’ve been finding it helpful and feeling inspired with your paintings!

  66. sara

    thanks your video realy helped me

    1. Will Kemp

      So pleased you’ve been enjoying them Sara.

  67. Carminia

    Hello Will,

    I finally made my first attempt with the Cherry Still Life Course.
    I cannot sufficiently express the exquisite joy that I received from beginning to end; how everything came together, serenely yet in that delightful focus. I’m sure many have said this, but I must express my sincerest gratitude for the gift of your person as well as for generously sharing your valuable methods as an artist and teacher. Thank you so much for responding to my query about “green gold” but since I didn’t have the colours to mix together at the moment, I tried to match as best as I could. I have been mostly self-taught, learning vicariously from my mother who was a professional artist herself. Through the years I took some steps forward, but the circumstances were not at all conducive to continue and so I had to let go of the desire to pursue the arts altogether. There would be some rare moments to paint or draw which would affirm that there is still something to consider but I was filled with doubts (some reasonable) to take the next steps forward (whatever they are supposed to be). This year slowly and increasingly I decided to begin again. And so I must sincerely thank you for your gracious presence, encouraging words and plausible methods all of which has facilitated this person to finally put paint to paper. I truly appreciate how you have carefully designed the lessons to mitigate the on-line process-gaps, which enables and encourages continuous learning, whatever the starting point. I certainly look forward to learning and improving more with the other tutorials and indeed I am considering to take the classes soon, and to see what this new beginning brings. Thank you once again, and for inviting us on a creative journey with you… Have a wonderful and blessed Advent season.

    With all good wishes,

    1. Will Kemp

      So pleased you enjoyed the lesson Carminia, you’ve done a fabulous job with the cherry. I’ve added it to the student success page, looks great!


  68. Carminia

    What a cheer-filled surprise, thank you Will, I’m truly awed and humbled by your kind gesture and encouraging words. Such a joy to see the class represented and to realize that the creative journey has really begun. A blessed continuation of Advent and kind regards!

  69. Vivian Levy

    Having spent years admiring art, I’ve jumped in with your tutorials. I love how your cherry turned out. Thank you for your guidance. This must be a difficult to break down each action and reason to teach. I am grateful!

    1. Will Kemp

      My pleasure Vivian, hope it helps with your paintings.

  70. Anna

    I decided to pick up a paint brush when the lockdown started. Well, six weeks in and your guidance and tutorials have been of amazing help! I’m learning every day and though I’m a complete beginner, I’m enjoying it immensely! Followed your ‘cherry step-by-step’ tutorial (my first cherry!) and it was great! Thank you Will.

    1. Will Kemp

      That’s so great to hear Anna, pleased that you’ve been enjoying them and finding some creative calm!

  71. Dr Swarnali

    Hi will,
    This pdf is extremely helpful and being a beginner I love to read and understand the basics before jumping into trying to do paintings I have no idea about how to start! I tried the cherry drawing, I would love to show u my drawing, but I m not sure if I can post any drawings here.

    Thank u so much sir for this piece of ur article.

    1. Will Kemp

      That’s great to hear Dr Swarnali, glad the cherry turned out well. You can send me your versions directly from my email on the contact page.

  72. Sheri Ready

    Hi Will,
    Like many staying home these days, I decided to try something new. Your videos are very instructive and with the music very relaxing. I’m very much enjoying following you and I’m so pleased with the results. In these crazy times, painting with you has become like therapy, a respite from the world. I’ll send you a picture my Cherry. I’m sure I’m not alone when I say learning to paint with you during Covid is indeed a gift.

    Thank you so much and Stay Safe,

    1. Will Kemp

      Hey Sheri, that’s great to hear, so pleased you’ve been enjoying the lessons and your cherry turned out well.
      Keep well.

  73. Panda

    Hi I’m new to painting on the colored background how much of raw umber do I mix in?I’m sorry if I missed something or is it equal parts?

    1. Will Kemp

      Hi Panda, start with the white and then add about a quarter of the amount of Raw Umber. You can then add little bits of Raw Umber from there.

  74. Marita

    HI Will. I am a complete novice and have never painted before. I popped my cherry with this cherry and felt so empowered – your instructions and demonstration made what I thought was impossible possible – taking me from art admirer to art creator (kinda). The instructions on color mixing were great and how to capture the different colors in the cherry eye opening to me. I have two questions, one my cherry doesnt look as glossy and am wondering why and 2 do you have instructions on brush strokes and how best to actually apply the paint to a canvas. Not sure if there are any guidelines on it and I was just winging it!. Thanks so much for your generosity with your knowledge I really appreciate it!.

    1. Will Kemp

      So pleased you enjoyed the lesson Marita, that’s fab to hear. I haven’t got any specific lessons on brush strokes, good to know it would be of interest. To create the look of a sheen, having a clear highlight will indicate that the surface is a reflective surface.

      Hope this helps,

  75. Carolyn

    Thank you for sharing your talent! I am making the leap from watercolour to acrylic and your tutorials are my guiding light! What colour combination did you use for your coloured ground on this piece. I am still learning the basics of colour mixing…it is a great neutral.
    Thank you again

    1. Will Kemp

      Hi Carolyn, Raw Umber and White for the coloured ground.

  76. AndyG

    I’ve been reabsorbing all of your wisdom from your free videos of late, and today I had the best success with the cherry I’ve ever achieved in ‘turning the form’. An object that actually looks like it possesses shape, depth, realism! Thank you.

    After drawing from the photo onto prepared (with ground) Cass Art Oil & Acrylic paper, perfect for experiment, I found the most useful way to approach the painting was with a printout of your finished piece, annotated with all the colour notes gleaned from the videos and notes. Surprisingly I stuck to it.

    Now getting used very quickly to the intricacies of mixing, blues with red shifts, and the ever useful burnt umber etc!!

    1. Will Kemp

      Hey Andy, that’s fantastic to hear. So pleased your cherry painting turned out well. And yes, you gotta always love Burnt Umber!

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