This week I’m lucky enough to be in Amsterdam to experience the largest ever Vermeer Exhibition!
28 of Johannes Vermeer’s known 37 works, have been brought together from museums and private collections across the world for this unique opportunity at the Rijksmuseum.
It’s currently a sell out show with over 450,000 tickets sold! but they are releasing new tickets so it’s worth checking the site. (Rijksmuseum Vermeer Tickets)
On display is one of my favourites, ‘The Little Street’ and we do a master copy of the painting in the Beginners Water Mixable Oil Course.
When I get back to the studio I’ll put together a exhibition review but for now I’m off to grab a coffee and a Stroopwafel.
The 5hr+ course is best suited if you’ve been working with acrylics and want to learn about the pros and cons of water-mixable oils. We go through lots of materials and options to give you an overview of what’s available with water-mixable oils.
Speak soon,
Thank you Will for your reminder of the current Vermeer Exhibition in Holland . I hope you enjoyed seeing all those wonderful paintings with his light and colours. A few years ago we went to his home studio with re print examples of his works on the wall. Also they laid out examples of how he mixed his powder pigments and the principle of the camera obscura
Cheers Keith, more photos of the show coming soon.
So thankful to see Amsterdam through your eyes, Will, waiting for more (including exhibits of his innovative use of the camera obscura :). While in the ‘neighborhood’, how long is the queue outside Vincent’s museum these days? Cheers :) (last month I entered a room-size camera obscura at the Kodak Museum in Rochester NY, seeing the reflection of the outside landscape on the wall and the precision of contour and details was a-mazing).
Hey Cecilia, glad you’re looking forward to seeing more shots from the exhibition, sounds like a great experience.
Loved your photographs taken at your visit to Vermeer exhibition especially the light and clouds he created in the Delft landscape. Reminded us of our visit to Delft a few years ago and a trip on the canal passing some of these wonderful Dutch buildings. Spectacular architecture of the outside of the museum building. The treat at the end of your visit looked delicious
Thanks Keith, yes such lovely skies and clouds in the Netherlands, they just seem to hang ready to be painted!