New! Acrylic Impressionistic Seascape Course

impressionistic painting with acrylics course

Morning class, I’m Will Kemp and welcome to A Cornish Seascape, the second painting in my series of short courses.

‘The Morning Paintings’ are designed to be easy-to-follow single project courses; you can complete them in just a few 1hr painting sessions.

Each one follows the same approach.

  • A single painting from start to finish.
  • A limited colour palette.
  • A handful of brushes.
  • A small canvas.
  • A simple subject.
  • Taught over 3 x 45-minute lessons.

You can see student results from the first painting in the Morning Paintings series here.

Simple Impressionistic Brushstrokes

I’ve started this series because sometimes you can find yourself overthinking the end result of a painting, and the pressure of having to make it a masterpiece can keep you from even starting!

I find setting aside 1hr every morning really helps overcome this feeling of being overwhelmed; in this second short course, we’re tackling a glittering seascape from the south coast of Cornwall.

This course has been designed with small, bite-sized lessons; you’ll be building your knowledge and your painting without the task becoming too much. I’m keeping it very simple with just a handful of materials, but we’ll still get a good range of mixes even using a minimal palette.

In this seascape, the two sailboats give us a great focal point; they also provide a real sense of scale. Having a contrasting focal point against a smooth blend of a sky and cooler softer tones of the far hills sends your eye into the distance. Framed by contrasting values of dark rocks, set against the gradation of the depth of tones within the sea creates realism.

We’ll cover the preparation of your surface & drawing out, mixing colour strings and blocking-in. Starting with just two colours, showing how important it can be to get a grounding in your painting, establishing a tonal range so you can start to judge everything from that initial set-up.

acrylic seascape course

Release the Pressure of Perfection

We build thin layers of watery washes followed by thick impasto marks using simple impressionistic brushstrokes. This course will help you to ‘loosen up’ whilst the step-by-step instruction will keep you on track.

It’s been kept to be really, really simple, so when we come to add that punch a vibrancy of colour, later on, all of a sudden your painting comes together in an instant, from all the work we’ve done up to that stage.

And in the final lesson, we will introduce the perfect pigment for turquoise seas; we then introduce dappled light. By having these dashes of reflections, it evokes that memory of a glimmering sea.

So find a comfy seat, a strong cup of coffee or a pot of teaand see what you can achieve in a 1-hour painting slot.

Gain confidence, and embrace the process of practice!

You could make a big step forward in the painting every day, and after three days, or even over a weekend, I think you will be amazed at how far your painting has progressed!

What’s in the Course?

  • 1 x Impressionistic Seascape from start to finish, based in the studio working from a reference image.
  • 3 x downloadable video lessons, split into separate chapters that follow on sequentially. Step-by-step instructional videos so that you can follow along at your own pace.
  • Each stage is a detailed yet easy-to-follow process.
  • Lifetime access, downloadable on separate devices.
  • One-time payment.
  • Downloadable jpeg reference images and reference line drawings.
  • Printable Class materials list.
  • 2 hrs of detailed video instruction.

(You will need a printer or print shop for the reference image)

Learn more about the course here: A Cornish Seascape Acrylic Course

This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Justin

    The course looks awesome Will! Is this from your new studio? I think you’ve covered studio colors before, but I can’t find that article and I’m getting ready to paint a new work space. Can you tell me what color you have in the wall in the tutorial?

    1. Will Kemp

      Hey Justin, here is the previous article on art studio wall colours The grey in the background here is by Dulux, Grey Tabby – (Previously Ice storm 2) (Dulux 00NN 16/000)
      It’s one of the most neutral pre-mixed greys I’ve come across.

  2. Keith

    Hi Everybody
    I have just joined for the first time yesterday and looking forward to learning new acrylic seascape painting skills with you all. I hope that you will all enjoy Will’s new course.

    We will be visiting Cornwall for the first time next September so will be taking my sketch book and trusty camera. So this course will be an ideal introduction to what look like a stunning part of the world for vibrant colour palettes. You never know we might even find this wonderful first composition that Will has chosen. Will, I hope that you will continue with this Cornish theme in the future

    1. Will Kemp

      Thanks so much Keith, really hope you enjoy the course.

  3. Monicca

    Hi Will,
    Just finished the latest still life lesson. Very enjoyable. can you recommend a framing source? Looking forward to Cornwall lesson next.

  4. Ani

    Hi Will,
    My daughter bought this course for me for Mother’s Day. I would like to paint it in oils but am really just a beginner painter. Can I use the very same process or should I just use one dark and white when mapping out values after drawing? Can I I
    Use just linseed oil to dilute the paint or turpentine? Sorry if you have already answered a question how to paint your acrylic classes in oils, I just don’t know where to look. And if not it might be perhaps an idea for a separate post. Thank you!

    1. Will Kemp

      Hey Ani, what a fab daughter you have! If you look under the FAQs on the course there is an answer about working on oils, but yes, you can follow with oils. It would just be longer drying for the ground layer, but you could do that in acrylics and then follow the rest in oils. You could use a mix of 2 part turps to 1 part linseed oil, and that would be good for the whole painting.

      Really hope you enjoy it.

  5. ani

    Thank you, Will, sorry, haven’t noticed the tab. I hadn’t waited for the value map to dry so now I am loosing some of the darks and lights with colours painted on the top… I will try again. I am enjoying the class, it’s so good to see the scene through your pro eyes and learn more about the process/stages of panting in this way, esp. when I see how you are looking for shapes, values, how you have modified the design slightly to make it more pleasing.

    1. Will Kemp

      So pleased you’ve been enjoying the course Ani and seeing the seascape with new eyes.

  6. Barbara

    I am enjoying your ‘Impressionist Cornish Seascape’. Learning many extra techniques to add variety and texture in my painting.
    Thank you for all your videos and blog.
    Would highly recommend your courses and your teaching techniques

    1. Will Kemp

      Thanks so much Barbara, so pleased you’ve been enjoying the course.

  7. Liana

    Thanks so much for your generously free and clear guide and video , I like your impressionist technique

    1. Will Kemp

      Thanks so much Liana, pleased you liked the painting.

  8. Julia

    Just finished the seascape course. Really enjoyed the subject, explanations, and direction. Still need to work on not overdoing things, but this certainly helped! Thanks!

    1. Will Kemp

      So pleased you enjoyed it Julia, and your painting looks fantastic!

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