Student Success Stories – Glazing

Student Success Stories – Glazing

Below is a gallery of students work that has been inspired by the Acrylic Still Life Study of a Fish using Acrylic Glazing Techniques.

This free acrylic glazing video tutorial uses a step-by-step approach to look at how you can combine a monochrome underpainting with colour glazes to create luminosity in your acrylic paintings. I very much look forward to seeing the results my students achieve with these tutorials. It certainly makes it feel worthwhile when I see the fabulous results.

If you’ve completed the painting, drop me an email, and I’ll add it to the page!

Terri Fey

Mari Soroka

Mark Easton

Barbara Mayo

Barbara Brown

Cathleen Kilcourse

Suzanne Jewell


Susan Wong

Sherie Barnes

Paddy Wilkinson

Anne Wilkinson